LogBook: My PLE Progress and Growth


Today was the first class of the subject. During this session we have gotten to know the professor, which the fact that she is an English teacher at a school I value very positively, because we will be able to learn techniques, methods and approaches that are useful in a real class. Also, she has presented the syllabus, which included the contents of the subject, the calendar and the evaluation. In my case, it has been very useful to start organising my agenda. In conclusion, it has been an introductory session which has been characterised for the teacher’s speech.

In the middle of the explanation I have discovered the “false friends”, which I think it is a very interesting resource for children to identify and be aware of those words from different languages that are often confused because they look or sound similar although they have different meanings, in a game format.


Today the teacher started the session wishing us a good journey during the subject with a song, “Space Oddity”. I think the song was a little bit long and not adequate for children, because it included difficult vocabulary (I suppose it was meant for us, adults). However, I consider that the idea of welcoming the course with a song it can be very motivating for pupils. It could also be used as a warm-up activity in class.

After we talked about the structure a lesson should have; beginning, body session and end, and which types of activities could be included in each section. During my practice training I have observed that usually teachers forget the beginning and end part of a lesson, and they just focus on carrying out activities. However, I believe both parts are essential in a session; to let students know what will be done during the class and discover their previous knowledge, and finally review what they have been learning during the lesson.


In today’s class we have started by distinguishing concepts which are very similar between them: approach, method, methodology, procedure and technique. Then, we have discovered different approaches used to learn languages. In my opinion, it has been a very interesting class because the students in groups we have been responsible for learning and making sure that our peers understood the contents of the topic. Also, it has made the session very pleasant and short.

On one hand, during the first part of the session, in groups of three we have created the definition of the different concepts and after we have shared them with our colleagues, creating the knowledge all the class together. On the other hand, for the last section of the class, we have created “expert groups” on the different approaches. The “expert groups” is a cooperative learning strategy that I find very interesting for pupils because I believe they must have an active role during the learning process, they develop the responsibility ability, it promotes better learning because they understand a topic using plain vocabulary, it boosts up student’s motivation, it reduces conflicts in class, and pupils enjoy learning.


Today we started the session by solving our doubts from the previous lesson, which it is very beneficial for us to revise the contents and have a clear idea of the contents. Also, during the whole session the professor has been creating a list of buzz words and given her opinion on them. Next, she gave us some tips for formal writings. Finally, we have discovered the “magic box” activity, through an example the teacher has shown us. Also, she projected a video of how she presents it in a Primary class. It has been interesting because we have not only learned about a new resource, but also, we have seen how to implement it, and we have been able to talk about the aspects to improve. With this activity the professor has also made evident the importance of reflecting on our actions, self-evaluating us and asking other colleagues to asses us and ask for things to improve, so that little by little we become better teachers. Also, from this activity we have talked about the importance of deciding which activities we want to carry out, why and how can we adapt them to our group, before developing them in the lesson.


Today’s session started with the implementation of the “Feely bag” at class, in order to be able to see how children feel when playing this game. Related to this, the professor presented us the advantages and the teacher’s view of the magic box and the feely bag. These points were selected according to her opinion and I think it was very nice to hear that she was open to other suggestions and comments, as these ideas were not based on any research. Next, we started a discussion in small groups related to children’s development. During this activity we were not only asked to think and argument our ideas, but also, I was given the “Bee function”, which I think was very enriching. I had to move around the different groups to spy their answers. It was very curious because from their answers, in our small group we had a second chance to think and discuss, and finally change our answers.


First, we started the session by solving doubts around the calendar and contents of the different tasks we must hand in during the following weeks. Most teachers would feel that the half an hour we spent on organizing the tasks had been wasted, but in my opinion, it is very useful for students to clear up the ideas. So, it is something I will have to bear in mind when I am a teacher in the future.

Halfway through the session, we talked about praising the students. I think it is primordial to praise them, for example with cards, as our professor does, because it motivates them, and interest is essential for children to learn. Also, something that caught my attention today was that the teacher told us that she does all the tasks before ordering them, because like this she discovers the complexity they have, the obstacles students may find, how they feel doing it, etc. I think that it is a very reasonable idea that all educators should carry out.

Finally, with the help of a video from La Vila Olímpica school, we ended the session by talking about the importance of designing quality activities. These must be meaningful, connected to the real world, promoting long life learning and should include both communication and cognition.


Today during the whole session, we have focused on the compulsory task 4, “A teacher’s library”, at class. First the teacher explained us in what consisted the task, solved doubts, and we organised the groups. Next, she presented us the English language textbooks, or activity’s book for teachers, and democratically and by talking, we distributed the books in the different groups. I found very interesting that the professor wanted us to have a textbook we liked, so that we felt that the task was useful, and we were motivated. Therefore, she had different options in case more than one group wanted the same book. I think that for all teachers it is essential to have the ability to adapt to any situation that may occur in class, so a previous planification is useful to prevent unforeseen events. Finally, for the rest of the session we got in our groups, and we worked on the textbook’s review. I believe that as teachers it is very important to be critical and to reflect upon the textbooks, worksheets, projects, etc. we pretend our students to use and learn from.


Today we had the whole lesson to work in groups on the power point for the presentation next week, regarding “A teacher’s library” task. In my future lessons I will promote group-work very often, as I believe it is very beneficial. Students create the knowledge together, they must use the language to communicate, they develop the autonomy capacity, they learn how to give arguments and opinions, etc.


All the session was dedicated to present “A teacher’s Library” task to the rest of our classmates. It was very interesting to share the reviews from the student’s textbooks from different levels and the support books for teachers. This way, we were able to discover a wide range of books and our colleague’s opinion, without having to analyse them all. Some interesting ideas that came out were to use a bear to teach English to small children, teaching a foreign language through arts and crafts and different proposals to evaluate students.


Today we started the class by organizing the calendar for the rest of the sessions until Christmas holidays, which was very helpful to know what we will do each day and know when we must hand in each task. Next, we got in groups and started the task “A reading corner”, which I think is valuable because nowadays all schools work through corners, so we may use it in our future. During the session the professor acted as a guide, solving doubts. However, not all groups we had the chance to talk in depth about our proposal, so we started the activities without knowing if we were going in the right path. Although it was not the teacher’s fault, I realised that is important to try to offer an individualised treatment and the same time to all groups, in order to be in equal terms.


Today’s session started with the professor explaining the microteaching project and the rest of the class was focused on team work. It was a good idea starting by presenting the next task, so that the groups that had already finished “A reading corner” task could start brainstorming for the microteaching. It is very important to adapt the work to the different learning paces of the class and make sure that children never get bored, always stimulate them with inputs and resources to widen their learning experiences.


Today we destined the session to talk about project-based learning. First, we shared our previous knowledge regarding the topic, next the professor taught us the contents and ended the class by showing us an example of a PBL she carried out at school. It was interesting to see a real example, because just with the theoretical information sometimes it is difficult to understand how an approach really works. In addition, I believe PBL is a very effective and a life-based way of teaching contents. However, I think it is difficult, especially in foreign language, because children do not talk fluently in English and projects require lots of hours.


Today’s session was focused on the design of the microteaching, but first we started solving doubts we had regarding the feedback the professor gave us from the previous task. I think that feedback to children is essential to help them learn, identify what they have to improve, be aware of their positive aspects, etc. But it is vital to provide a space in which students can make their comments and ask questions related to the correction, to make it clear for them. Next, the teacher used a settler resource and explained its importance to use them in class to calm down pupils and make them concentrate on the lesson. Finally, in groups we continued our microteaching brainstorming. It has been a productive session to put in common ideas, share comments and decide the final topic that will be the project’s common thread. Also, the educator gave us her realistic point of view and has been very useful because she knows well the student’s level of English and it is important to bear it in mind throughout the creation process of the microteaching.


Today we started the lesson by giving some examples on counting rhymes. Next, the professor solved some doubts, explained to us the microteaching timetable, and we decided on which day we want to hand in the tasks left. It has been a long hour and stressful, because there is a lot of work left to do and so little time. Finally, we ended the session by working in groups on the microteaching project. The educator has taught me a lesson, because although she had thought of finishing with the PBL explanation, she has adapted to the student’s needs. She has seen that we are worried about the time left to prepare the UD and she has given us extra time to work on it. In the future it is important that we, teachers, are flexible with the contents we have to teach, bearing in mind pupil’s needs.


Every session starts with Lídia writing a list at the white board of the different things we will do during the session. I think this is a very good idea to carry out with children because this way they know what the educator expects from them and what they will do throughout the lesson all the time. Next, the professor taught us the basic characteristics from CLIL. Although I feel it is very challenging to implement it properly, I think it is a very interesting, meaningful and contextualised way to teach both language and contents. Finally, we ended the lesson by working in groups on the microteaching. Today has been a very productive session, because we were able to share with Lídia our proposals so now, we are ready to start writing and preparing the activities.


We started the session with the example of an activity settler, called “row, row, row your boat”, and we solved doubts regarding the microteaching project. It is interesting because when someone asks a question that could be useful for the other groups or has a relevant doubt, the professor writes the answer on a word document, so that everyone finds out. Next, we moved on with a resource, “Tell ___ to stop the noise”, useful to catch the attention of chatty students. Then, the teacher presented the Cummins matrix, used by CLIL teachers. This tool can be used to measure the combination of cognitive and linguistic level of the different tasks of a unit. As teachers, we want to move from stage 2 to 4. Finally, the rest of the session was destined to follow with the microteaching planning. 


Today half of the groups started to present their microteaching projects. It has been very useful because they have come up with super different topics and very attractive activities and resources, that I can use in my future. Considering the microteaching assessment, I think that it is interesting because it englobes different perspectives, therefore, I believe that the evaluation is more complete. One type of assessment is peer assessment, which consists in evaluating our colleagues, so from equal to equal, considering positive points, aspects to improve and any other comments or questions we would like to formulate them. Next, at the end of the session the professor has continued showing us examples of a project and has refreshed the last datelines. Finally, some students have proposed to open a forum to share the microteachings, so we can all widen our resource’s backpack.


Today is the last lesson of the subject. It seems impossible that a whole semester has gone by!

We started the session by organising the date and time we are going to present the symbaloo in January. Once the plan was designed, we continued the lesson with a “loop” game, which consisted of a year 6 domino, useful to revise numbers in English. The most important ideas I have taken from it, is that it is essential that when using other subject’s content, they must be from a low level, because we want to focus on language. Also, the teacher has suggested not giving instructions or only short ones, because with experience she has reached the conclusion that the less the teacher speaks, the more students speak. Next, the professor explained us more information related to CLIL. More precisely, she presented the creation process of CLIL sessions, which has been shocking for me that the analysis of the language to be used is the last step to consider, and she has given some names to remember, such as Bruner, Clegg Cummins or Bloom, among others. Following this brief explanation, to end the session in a more dynamic way, we played the magic box, in which there was the puppet “Pete the cat”. It has been enriching to see another way of explaining a story, by using the book to show the illustrations but instead of explaining it her, she used an audio. I think this collection of stories are very engaging for young pupils because it includes songs. Finally, we ended the lesson, the subject and the semester by giving feedback to the professor. It is very kind of her to be open to questions, complaints, suggestions...

It has been an interesting subject, specially because you gave us real examples of activities, projects, resources, etc. which are very useful and enriching for our future. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas!!!
